Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Xuely's Diet Challenge Day 28

Wednesday, April 25th 2012
My Treat Of the Day!!!!
Egg tart...Made by my friend...Vivien..:)

Durian Cheese Cake...Another treat from my friend..Vivien..
so delicious....yummy!!

My Meal of the Day....
Meal 1
Protein Shake
1 slice of bread with peanut butter

Meal 2
1 can of tuna
15 almonds
1 Kiwi
1 cup of coffee

Meal 3
Post workout- Protein Shake
Chicken Drumstick,Corn,sweet potato and carrot soup
(no salt)

Meal 4
Chicken Drumstick,corn,sweet potato and carrot soup
1 Egg tart...
Again...Durian Cheese cake...share with friend..can't eat the whole
1 cup of coffee

Meal 5
same as meal 4..but no more egg tart and Cake! 

Water 3L/day

Today workout..Awesome...

Warm up with
20 Sit ups
20 Air Squat
6 rounds

4 rounds
10 reps each
1) Rotational clean & press 
2) Off-set two point row
3) Bear Hug Squat Hop
4) Supine Shoulder to Shoulder press
5) Grip Rows
My time: 38 minute 14seconds
13kg Sandbag

My cool down....100 Mountain Climber-2 minute 16seconds

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