Friday, April 6, 2012

Xuely's Diet Challenge Day 11

Meal 1:
2 scoop Biogreen Five grain Oatmilk Energy+1tsp Biogreen Organic green Balance Powder+1 tbsp Biogreen Prebalance Powder + 250mls H20
2 half boiled egg
1 green apple

Preworkout drink:
1 cup of Biogreen Dream coffee Oatmilk=250mls


Meal 2: I went to organic restaurant..
its a Bento set..
1 small bowl soup : chinese cabbege with corn soup
Steamed brown rice with hijiki seaweed
Braised radish with zenryu fu
Wok fried cabbage with tumeric
Steamed yoba rolls with nori and vege
Blanched greens with ginger,carrot
(all in small portion)
1 cup of macrobiotic gaba soy milk

Meal 3:
2 pcs Granola cereal bar

Meal 4:
1/2 cup of barley drinks
1 bowl Tuna salad(tuna,kidney beans and green apples mix with mustard)

Meal 5:
1 green apple
20 Almonds

Meal 6: before sleep
2 tbs biogreen bio enzymes vinegar mix with 200mls h2o
(Organic apple cider vinegar & raw honey)

water 3L/day

Today Workout:
Sexy By Summer
6 circuit:
1) 50 x High Knee Skips- i did without the rope..but put your knees as high as u can for the extra intensity..
2) 10 x Burpees- with push up!!
3) 10 x Sandbag Squats – 13kg
4) 10 x Straight Abs - leg elevated on the chair
My time was 19minute and 35seconds

Rock That Ass 
Bonus – BRB Butt & Leg Sculpt Cool Down: 3 rounds/10sec/50sec
1) Side One Leg med ball Squat – Using the medicine ball & Sandbag : 20reps
2) Wide Leg Sandbag Squat – 20reps
3) Side One Leg med ball Squat – 20reps

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