Saturday, April 14, 2012

Xuely's Diet Challenge Day 16 & 17

Day 16,April 13th 2012

Meal 1
2 half boiled egg
2 slice toast bread
1 cup of black coffee

Meal 2
1 bowl plain porridge
3 type of vege..
1 cup of tea

Meal 3
no meal..haha..
only Starbuck...Iced coco cappuccino(soy milk and less less sweet)

Meal 4
1 bowl Noodle soup(pan mian)
1/2 cup of ice lemon tea

Meal 5
All plant protein powder with positrim

Water....hmmm....less than 1/5L :D

*NO WORKOUT today...

Day 17,April 14th 2012

Woke up at 10:30am...still sleepy!!!
No appetite to eat...tired!

Meal 1
All plant protein Powder mix with positrim

Meal 2
1 cup ice coffee
1 char siew pao

*multivitamin,calcium,celwise,Lecithin E,Vit C and probiotic..

Meal 3
1 cup of coffee
2 pcs of heong pheah

Meal 4:
Baked chicken
Sweet potato
Fruit rojak...:D hehehehe
1 cup of black coffee

Meal 5
All plant protein powder mix with positrim



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