Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Xuely's Diet Challenge Day 10

Meal 1:
1 bowl green bean soup
1 bowl Fish head noodles soup

Meal 2:
1 cup of Biogreen Dream Coffee Oatmilk

Meal 3:
Egg Sandwich (2 slices of bread)

Meal 4:
3-4 tablespoon white rice
Small portion of vege and chicken
1/2 bowl seaweed soup

Meal 5 :

Meal 6:
2 toast bread,egg salad

Meal 7: before sleep
2 tablespoon  Biogreen Bio-Enzyme Apple Cider Vinegar mix with 200mls of H2o.

Water 3L/day


1. High Knees -4 minute- 8 rounds/10sec/30sec : 628 reps

2. Leg lift, Star Crunch, and Butt Lift as one rep – 45 reps : 4 minute 20sec

3. 4 minute Jumping low Jacks : 226 reps

4. Side Plank Lift – 45 reps on each side : 5 minute 21 sec

5. 4 minute Scissors : 586 reps

6. One Leg bridge, One leg lift, and toe touch - 25 reps each leg : 3 minute 46 sec

* without jump rope

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