Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Workout of the day....Sunday April 8th 2012

ZWOW #12 
10 minute AMRAP
10 Pistol
20 low jack
10 Dynamite Burpees
20 low jack

My score :3 rounds with 10pistol,20low jacks and 4 Dynamite Burpees...
in 20 seconds I completed the 6 Dynamite and 20 low jacks.. so 4 rounds=10minute 20seconds.. :)
This only my warm up!! :D

Don't Be A Dumbbell Workout by Scott Herman
Squat Alternating Dumbbell Shoulder Press(1+1) : 3x5, 6kg each
Dumbbell Row 3x10,6kg each
Dumbbell Floor Chest Press : 3x10,6kg each (on core ball)
Dumbbell Side to Front Raise (1+1) 3x5,3.5kg
Dumbbell Rear Raise to Kickback(1+1) 3x10,3.5kg
Dumbbell Bear Crawl(1+1) 3x10,3.5kg
Push-Up to Dumbbell Row(1+1)3x10,6kg
Dumbbell Hammer Curl into a Dumbbell Front Raise(1+1) 3x10,6kg
Walking Dumbbell Lunge(1+1) 3x10,6kg
Total time: 1 hour 38sec

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