Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Xuely's Diet Challenge Day 14

Meal 1 :
2 slice of bread with butter
1 cup of coffee

Meal 2: Post workout
All plant protein(Nutrilite)

Meal 3:
Coleslaw with 2 hard boiled egg
Orange and green apple
1 cup of oatmilk drinks.

Meal 4:
2 Granola bar

Meal 5:

Tuna Sandwich apple and orange

Water 3L/day

Super Hot Shape Up Workout
12 rounds/20sec/60sec

1) Spiderman Core and Leg Drive – 8,7
2) Plyo Push Up(I did narrow and wide push up=1 rep) - 7,10
3) Spiderman Core and Leg Drive – 8,7
4) One Leg Bridge Left - 24,25
5) Spiderman Core and Leg Drive – 7,7
6) One Leg Bridge Right - 23,26
*Sandbag 13kg

Sexy to the core...Bonus Abs Workout
3 rounds/10sec/60sec
Side Oblique Lift-Lt : 30
Chuck & Tuck using 10lbs Med ball : 20
Side Oblique Lift-Rt : 30

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