Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Xuely's Diet Challenge Day 20

Meal 1
Protein Shake
2 slice of Sprouted wheat bread with peanut butter

Meal 2
6 egg white
1 whole egg
1 slice of low fat cheese
1 tbsp olive oil
(scrambled egg)
5 tbsp of oatmeal with dried cranberries

Meal 3
Post workout
Broccoli with chicken breast
sweet potato(small)
5 slices of china pear
1 cup of coffee

Meal 4
Tuna Sandwich
(2 slice of sprouted wheat bread,tuna mayo,slice cucumber and tomato)

Meal 5
French Bean with chicken breast
Sweet potato(small)
5 slices of china pear

Meal 6
Protein Shake

Water 3L/day

My Body Rocks!
12 minute
12 rounds-50sec works/10 sec rest
1) Prisoner squat jump & Elbow to knee touch : 30,26,30
2) 10 mountain climber + clean & press + squat & press using Sandbag : 4,4,3
3) Squat & Front Raise using Medicine ball : 15,15,15
4) Under touch toe & 2 elbow 1/2 burpee jumps : 6,6,8

Abs Bonus
Rock Hardcore
4 minute
4 rounds- 50sec work/10sec rest
1) Bike Abs(L&R alternate) & touch & lower : 10 reps
2) Punch Abs: 15
3) Side leg lift & Forward leg touch -left leg : 10
4) Side leg lift & Forward leg touch - right leg : 10

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