Friday, April 13, 2012

Xuely's Diet Challenge Day 15

April 12th 2012..

Meal 1 :
Tuna Sandwich...I bought... :)
Nescafe 3 in 1

Meal 2 :
1 bowl Bee hoon Soup(slice chicken,vege)

Meal 3:
Tuna Sandwich...I made.. :)
Green apple and orange
Nescafe 3 in 1

Meal 4:
1 slice butter friend home made cake...yumm yumm...
Again...I ate Tuna Sandwich...hahaha...
Green apple and orange

*1 green apple and 1 orange.
*4 slice of multigrain and seed bread
*2 slice white bread

Strong And Sexy Workout
12minute/12 rounds/10sec/50sec
1) Ugi Twist-Using the medicine ball(1+1) : 12,10,10 
2) Bucking Bronco (1+1) : 10,13,15
3) Spiderman PushUps/Reptile push up(1+1) : 6,7,6
4) Sandbag Swing : 20,15,15

Abs Bonus~Sexy Tummy
3 minute/3 rounds/10sec/50sec
1) V Ups : 30
2) Standing Opposite elbow to knee crunch : 20
3) SandBag Sit Ups : 10

* 13kg Sandbag and 10lbs medicine ball

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