Monday, June 6, 2011

June 7th 2011

Finish work at 7am..thank God! What a busy night but I still manage to take my meal...
Before I go off...While waiting for the staff to pass report..I start wondering.....what for I come sooooo early to work and still get a same pay with those always come late or SHARP 6:45am?? they get more than me..why don't just come sharp 9pm and go off sharp 7am?? I feel sad..anyway..another 6 month to go..just be patience..:) be good to yourself..and be happy..and continue Bodyrocking!! yeah!

Yesterday was my active rest day..and i felt like  i've been whole day eating the muffin..hahaha...
5am         muffin x2 with a cup of coffee
11:30am  1/2 chocolate muffin 
2pm         muffin with tea
6:30pm    rice,vege n chicken
                a cup of coffee
8pm         muffin x1 (againnnnnn!!!)
8:20pm    go to the ward..

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