Monday, April 2, 2012

Xuely's Diet Challenge Day 8

Meal 1 :
Oatmilk Drink
8 pcs Nutrisoy craker

Meal 2:
2 pcs granula Bar
1 cup coffee

Meal 3:
15 Raw almonds
Tuna+ boiled spinach+ cherry tomato

Meal 4:
2 pcs Heong Piah(chinese food)

Meal 5:
Tuna+boiled spinah+ cherry tomato
Oat coffee

Meal 6:
Sardin sandwich

Meal 7:
1 green apple

Water 3L/day

Workout of the Day:
12 minute
12 rounds~10sec/50sec
1) 2x Push Up-sandbag clean-sandbag squat jumps: 5.5, 5
2) Ninja jump tuck,Sandbag Press & lunge: 4.4
3) Sandbag Shoulder lift & drop,2x push up & jump tuck : 4,3
4) Medicine ball ~10 mountain climber & 10 high knees : 4,3.5
5) 1/2 Burpee & Sandbag upright row : 7,6
6) Push up - touch knees : 10,10

*2nd round I throw away the sandbag and ball...I did it with bodyweight..I feel very tired..feel like I don't wanna complete the workout..but at last..I did it!! :)

I join Sweaty betties April challenge...April Abs & Ass Challenge.. I hope I will complete the challenge this time.. hehehe

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