Monday, April 23, 2012

Xuely's Diet challenge Day 26

Monday, April 23rd 2012

Meal 1
5 egg whites

Meal 2
2 slices bread with peanut butter
Fruits : 4 strawberry & 1 kiwi

Meal 3
post workout
Protein Shake

Meal 4,5 & 6
sweet potato
Bok choy
Chinese herb chicken soup

Before bed
Protein Shake

Water 2L/day


Sweaty Betties' Challenge #4
Complete 4 rounds of following exercises.
50 Pop Squats
*I replaced with  Low Jack jump ( Feet apart = 1 rep)
40 Plank Straddle 
*Feet apart = 1 rep 
30 SDHP (Sumo deadlift high pull) 
*I used 13kg sandbag
20 Jump Squats or Air Squats
10 burpees

:My time was 35minute 19 seconds...

Finally I got the chance to do this Sweaty Betties challenge! Sorry Wipawee!  I almost stop at 2nd rounds..haha
but I made it! It was killing me!!!


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