Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Xuely's Diet Challenge Day 3

Today Is my rest day..I don't feel wanna do my workout..all I want to do is SLeep.. haha..I didn't prepare my meal too..oooppss... :)

Meal 1 :
1/2 grapefruits
1 Banana
(rushing..need to go out with friend)

Meal 2 :
1 bowl of Pork ball Rice vermicelli soup
1 plate of boiled vege
1 cup of  chinese cold tea

Meal 3:
6 pcs biscuit
1 cup of Coffee without sugar

Meal 4:
1/2 grapefruits
6 almonds
4 pcs crakers
300mls Positrim + All plant Protein Drinks

Meal 5:
1 bowl Asam laksa

Meal 6:
4 pcs Cracker

Meal 7:
1 Green apple

Water 3L/day

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