Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Xuely's Diet Challenge Day 2

Meal 1 :
Oatmilk + all plant protein powder
1/2 grapefruits
1 Banana

Meal 2 :
1 cup of the veggie egg salad..leftover..haha

5 minute Jogging
50 reps Jumping jacks
15 MEdicine ball Burpees-this was hard
15 Medicine ball single leg romanian deadlift (15 each leg)
15 Medicine Ball Overhead Squat
15  Medicine Ball Alternating overhead stepping lunge
15 Jump tuck
* 10lbs Medicine Ball
(I supposed to do 4 round but I felt totally exhausted after I did 1 round so I stop,I will do it again tomorrow.)

MEal 3 : Post workout
1 protein chocolate bar

Meal 4 :
1/2 grapefruits
Tomato Tuna Salad
1 Banana
3 pcs oat biscuits

Meal 5:
1 Green apple
10 Almonds

Meal 6 :
1 bowl Homemade noodles soup (achovies broth)..made by my friend
1 cup of oatmilk coffee

Meal 7 :
Tomato Tuna Salad

Before Sleep...
1 green apple :)

Water: 3 liter/day

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