Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Lovely wEdnesday

Today is 3rd night..Before work,I didn't have anything to do. So,here I come..sit in front of my laptop updating my blog. Hmm..I don't have any idea what I'm suppose to post here..haha..I'm not that kind of people..a person that full of idea,very creative. My sister is the one helping me to create this blog..hahaha..She is very active on this. :)

Ahhha...last weekend I learn how to make muffin! kekeke,,I don't like about baking at first..but..I still try to do it...and..It's quite fun and enjoy. I learn something new! Who teach me..?? hehe...Is my husband..
I did it without his help..except the total amount of the ingredient. here are the muffin!

taaaadaaaa....muffin...Banana muffin.

can't wait to eat them..hehehe....

So that's all for today..!!

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