Sunday, October 31, 2010


Time past very fast...November is coming... and...I'm gonna challenge myself!!
DO WORKOUT & DIET..really focusing down on my fitness and tightening up my diets. removing all the junk food..but...I'm addicted with the coffee..:P I need a cup of coffee to start my day...kekekeke...

The reason  why I'm doing this is because...I PUT ON WEIGHT!!! OVERWEIGHT!! I can't zip up my uniform's pants..I start feeling tired and feeling down...going to DEPPRESION...I can smell my body odour..arrrggghhhh....smell like an onion...eeee....
I want to look GOOD,FIT,SLIM and HEALTHY!! 

My beloved hubby gonna give me a REWARD!! I must focus down getting into shape for coming X'mas and Chinese New Year 2011!!

So....Enjoy the day with WORKOUT and DIET...hehehe...

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