Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Today Exercise Challenge

I did today challenge..
Workout: Dedicated Burpees
Time : 10minute~Maximum Rep challenge
So I completed 46 Dedicated Burpees in 10minute countdown..woohhhooo...its was hard but i made it!!
After that i try to do the Handstand push up..with my leg on the wall...awww...can't do it..hmm...its really hard..well I will practice again n again until i can do it..

Oh ya...today I received a message from my Sister In Law..she gave birth..is a BAby girl!! I became aunty!!! hahaha..healthy baby with 3kg weight..31st May 2011

auccchhhh...i cut my finger...bleed...:p

Monday, May 30, 2011

Today Workout

Fuuuhhhh..take a deep breath..catching my breath--slowing..feeling life again..hahaha ...today I did the Bodyrock Home workout...its really killing me...I'm soaked in sweat!!

Today workout: 600reps fat burner workout
Equipment: Interval Timer Gymboss and 100% bodyweight :)
Time completed: 59minute 6seconds

Really push myself to do all the 600reps..I did some modification..:)
I'm very enjoy it and proud!! hahaha

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Workout of the day

Today workout...
200reps of Burpees..took me 44minute 20seconds
*Supposed 400reps but I can't complete it...totally exhausted! Fuhh!!!

Weight training..Arm exercise
Concentration curl
5x5 weight 5kg dumb bell
Tricep kick back
5x5 weight 2.5kg
Handstand push up(assisted)

Russian twist 100reps with 5kg weight